Esophageal reflux leads to inflammation of the esophageal mucosa, which causes burning sensation in the epigastric region of the stomach and extends to the chest, throat and sinuses in some cases.
. The type of food determines the amount of acid produced by the stomach and therefore the right choice of food types is helpful to control the symptoms of reflux.
Here are some tips for a diet rich in foods that help get rid of inflammation and.
recovery from GERD and reduce its complications.
Be sure of eating food that contains small amount of additives and free of chemical pesticides. The vegetarian diet, which contains many antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, water and fiber, is a diet that can help faster healing of inflammation because it helps reducing nutrient deficiencies and maintaining normal levels of blood pressure, cholesterol and normal bacterial flora.
These include:
Fresh vegetables and high fiber food such as artichoke, vegetable leaves, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, cucumbers, fennel.
- Whole grains and seeds.
- Nuts.
- Bone marrow that provides (amino acids, many minerals, electrolytes, antioxidants and collagen that help heal esophageal infections.
- Suitable fruits other than citrus and tomatoes, which can increase pain, such as (apples, pears, melons and berry).
- Healthy fats such as (whale liver oil, olive oil, coconut, avocado, shea seed oil, almond or flax).
- Food containing beneficial bacteria (Probiotic), especially for the digestive system such as yogurt.
The following are foods that should be avoided in the digestive system for some patients with reflux:
It is recommended to avoid certain foods in patients who are allergic to certain nutrients. The intolerance or sensitization to certain foods such as (processed dairy products, food products containing gluten, sometimes grains, eggs, nuts, and artificial ingredients found in processed foods ) should be avoided for people with allergic relapses.
- Beverages containing caffeine and soft drinks that lead to belching and gastric acid reflux back to the esophagus.
- It is also advised to avoid eating whipped cream, which entraps gases in the digestive system and makes it difficult to be expelled and leads to distension of the colon that compresses the stomach and increase symptoms of reflux.
- Alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, and liquor contribute to the appearance of reflux symptoms.
- Spicy foods such as hot pepper and hot sauce.
- Foods rich in animal fats (such as fast food, cheese, processed meat and fries.
- Other foods such as (cakes, fried potatoes, cocoa and chocolate, foods rich in sodium, table salt, garlic, onion and mint).
The following are special instructions for patients with reflux:
- Ensure eating small meals where it is preferred to distribute meals throughout the day instead of eating less meals of larger amounts.
- Slow down while drinking or eating and be sure to chew food completely before swallowing. This will help to avoid over-eating, which can lead to more gastric acid secretion.
- Sit down while eating.
- Do not drink using Shalimo, which leads to the ingestion of air and the occurrence of burping, leading to acid reflux from the stomach to the esophagus.
- Avoid smoking.
- Increasing drinking of water reduces the symptoms of reflux and helps to improve digestion in general, especially when drinking water replaces ingestion of lots of the caffeine.
- Avoid tight clothes that squeeze the abdomen.
- Avoid stress and get enough rest.
- Exercise regularly.
- Get rid of excess weight.
- Raising the head during sleep helpsin relieving symptoms in some cases.
- Lying after eating directly aggravates symptoms in many patients with GERD, so it is better to eat light dinner at least three hours before bedtime.