We are pleased during the holy month of Ramadan to be exposed to some of the effects of fasting on human health.
Behavioral changes during the month of Ramadan cause a lot of effects on human organs that benefit the body in general. In particular, we will expose the light on the digestive system and the liver for the direct relationship of fasting upon them, because during fasting, eating and drinking is stopped, and thus the digestive system is comfortable in performing its functions of digesting, absorbing, and secreting enzymes, hormones, etc. for a period that may reach 16 hours per day in Ramadan. And since the digestive system is responsible for several vital feelings such as hunger, satiety, insatiety, fullness, easy or difficulty breathing, resting for this period will lead to recovery from fatigue, bloating symptoms, cramps and indigestion. Below we will show a summary of the benefits of fasting on the digestive system:
-Refraining from eating and drinking during the fasting period leads to an automatic improvement in the symptoms of indigestion during the fasting period.
- The fasting period also gives the digestive system the opportunity to get rid of toxins and renew cells and prevent its exhaustion and this is the reason for the increased activity and the body's ability to perform tasks during the fasting period.
-Fasting also helps to heal diseased stomach, as the stomach benefits from reducing acidic secretions, the inflamed and sore lining membrane recovers, unhealthy membranes are regenerated, and mucosal breaks heal, therefore ulcers and chronic inflammation heals due to the regulation of the stomach acidity due to hormonal and biological changes associated with fasting. That gives the opportunity to restore the immunity and integrity of the stomach's mucous membrane.
-Among the benefits of reducing stomach secretions is also the recovery of the lining mucous membrane of the esophagus from inflammations and ulcers in patients with esophageal reflux, and also reducing the pressure of the abdominal cavity as a result of abstaining from eating and drinking reduces the size of the diaphragmatic hiatal hernia, which also leads to improved symptoms of esophageal reflux.
-During the fasting period, the intestine also benefits from recovery from digestive disorders and irritable bowel syndrome, as it expels the gases trapped in the intestinal cavity. -Fasting also reduces the effort exerted by the pancreas in the processes of digestion, absorption and blood sugar control by secreting enzymes and hormones. Accordingly, the pancreas recovers from any chronic or acute inflammation and improves the opportunity to control high blood sugar in diabetics.
-Fasting also moves the stored and accumulated fats in the liver. Fatty liver conditions improve and liver enzymes improve. Liver cells’ exposure to toxic substances and oxidative stress resulting from the accumulation of fat in the liver improves the liver cells and gives it the opportunity to recover, grow and regenerate after damage.
The previous points illustrate the maximum benefit accruing to the digestive system from fasting, but we do not feel this benefit in many cases as a result of unhealthy eating practices at iftar and even suhoor. Unhealthy dietary behavior after breakfast causes symptoms of indigestion, esophageal reflux and irritable bowel. We hope that our dear followers adhere to the meaning of fasting and breaking the fast and its proper nutritional behaviors that will undoubtedly be reflected by improvement of their general health status.