How to help expel gases from the abdomen?

Many patients suffer from stomach gases, here we will review the most important methods that you can use to expel gases from the abdomen. There are a number of methods that can be followed to help expel gases from the abdomen. The choice of treatment d

Diet modification


In the event that the diet contains a large amount of carbohydrates that are difficult to digest, it would rather be replaced with organic carbohydrates that do not need much time to be digested, such as bananas, potatoes and rice.

Recognize the foods that cause stomach gases and avoid them, as foods that cause bloating are well known previously.

Chew food properly and avoid any practices that may cause swallowing more air.

Avoid chewing gum and smoking.

Exercising helps get rid of annoying stomach gases.

There are some medicines that can relieve flatulence without any prescription, such as charcoal tablets that absorb air in the digestive system.


Use some home recipes

There are some herbs or home prescriptions that can help you expel gases from the abdomen permanently, such as:


Ginger: Eating ginger or drinking it after every meal to get rid of flatulence.

Turmeric drink: Having a cup of turmeric drink helps to get rid of annoying gases.

Karawi: Karawi helps treat annoying flatulence after a meal.

Chamomile and anise: Boiling these herbs are one of the most natural drinks that help you expel gases from the abdomen.

Fennel: Fennel is one of the fastest and best ways to treat flatulence, as you can feel relief only after a few minutes of drinking it.

What are the causes of stomach gases?

Gas is collected in the digestive system in two basic ways, namely, swallowing air while eating or drinking, which helps to collect oxygen and nitrogen gas in the digestive system, or during the process of digesting food, where gases resulting from the indigestion of certain foods leading to accumulation of hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide.


1. Swallowing air

It is very normal for air to be swallowed naturally while eating or drinking, and if a large amount of air is swallowed, this leads to flatulence.


Among the reasons that lead to swallowing a large amount of air:


Chewing gum.


Eating too quickly.


2. Food choices

Some foods may lead to the formation of gases in the stomach, such as:


Legumes such as beans and lentils.



Dairy products.

Soft drinks.

Foods rich in sorbitol or fructose, such as fruit juices, may take a long time to digest, resulting in a foul odor associated with flatulence.

Some medical conditions may also cause accumulation of gases in the abdomen.


Tips that may benefit you:

In most cases, flatulence is not considered a serious medical condition and does not require medical attention.


But if the frequency or severity of symptoms increases, or if the symptoms are accompanied by vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea and weight loss, you should go to a specialist gastroenterologist to help you.

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